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Tips for First-Time Camping at Rapid City / Black Hills KOA

Tips for First-Time Camping at Rapid City / Black Hills KOA

Whether it is your first time camping with kids or in general, camping is a fun way to enjoy the great outdoors with family or friends — and you will have an unforgettable experience when camping for the first time in Rapid City, South Dakota.

To help you prepare, check out these tips for first-time campers. 

1. Plan in Advance

This tip applies to all campers, regardless of experience, but especially first-time campers. Plan your trip far in advance to ensure you have everything you need for a successful trip. Set a budget, reserve your campsite and create an itinerary for the activities you want to do. It is also best to set aside time to go shopping to collect all your equipment. 

Planning in advance lets you have time to get everything done before the big trip.

2. Make a Checklist

Make sure you have everything you need for camping by making a checklist with the essentials. A standard first-time camping checklist includes clothes, cooking supplies, food and camping gear.


  • T-shirts
  • Long-sleeved shirts
  • Bathing suit
  • Raincoat and boots
  • Undergarments
  • Warm jackets
  • Sneakers
  • Hiking boots
  • Hats

Camping Essentials

  • Sunscreen
  • Lawn chairs
  • Emergency kit
  • Electrical adapters
  • Flashlights and lanterns
  • Towels
  • Linens
  • Food and beverages
  • Cooking utensils

3. Learn About Your Gear

Knowing and understanding your camping gear before you go on your trip will help you save time when you need to unpack and set up camp. Tents, cabins and RVs all use different equipment to help campers have their desired experience. If you are tent or RV camping for the first time, ensure you learn how to connect and disconnect hookups. 

Additionally, you should test out the equipment you are bringing beforehand. Check your flashlights and any cooking gear to make sure it works. It is also best to practice setting up your tent or backing up your RV a few times before camping. 

4. Review the Campground Rules and Etiquette

Campgrounds have rules and regulations campers must follow to keep the environment safe for everyone. While researching and before arriving at your campsite, look over and understand the rules and etiquette you should follow. Rapid City / Black Hills KOA Holiday relies on campers to follow proper trash disposal, campfire and driving rules to keep guests safe.

Make Your Reservation at Rapid City / Black Hills KOA Holiday Today

With these tips for first-time campers, you will be prepared for your first camping trip. Start your camping preparations by booking your campsite at Rapid City / Black Hills KOA Holiday today!

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