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Internet reservations are currently not available for this KOA: Springfield KOA Journey

Please call the campground directly to make your reservations at 1-800-562-7212. Thank you.

What do we do now that we are closed?

Hey guys! Kim here. Now that we are closed for the winter what do we get to do? I'd love to say I'm taking a break on the beach, but no such luck. Instead we are working hard behind the scenes to prepare for the 2020 season!

Right off the bat, Bryan and I jumped in my car and drove to Savannah Georgia for the annual KOA Convention. This year was about going into the future. We sat in "sessions" and listen to speeches. The last day we attended the Expo where we got to see a lot of cool products. This year we picked up a foam machine. Get ready for all the bubbly fun!

So then of course we returned home, and got straight to work. I have already started preparing for all the fun activities for the upcoming season. I think we got some pretty cool new ones this year, and Bryan started the electrical box work in the sites. Erik was ready to work, too. So the guys started the remodel on more areas of the main office building. 

We are excited to keep moving forward into the future with our koa family, and you! Stay tuned to see what else we get to do to pass the time of this cold weather! HAHA!

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