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Internet reservations are currently not available for this KOA: Gaylord South / Bradford Lake KOA Holiday

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Gaylord South / Bradford Lake KOA Holiday Campground Blog

Fish ON! Fishing & Hunting in Northern Michigan


Looking to visit Northern Michigan this fall?  Eager to get outside as the weather turns crisp and cool?  Use our Winter Cabins as your Basecamp this Fall! Gaylord South/Bradford Lake KOA is excited to announce that we have Deluxe Cabins available for the fall and winter season!  We wanted to meet...

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Staff Highlight: Daniel & Victoria


Staff Highlight: Daniel and Victoria FergusonMeet Daniel & Victoria!  They both hail from Alabama, and have been on the road together for five years.  They don't plan to move back to Alabama, so they are on the hunt for a new home, and GREAT NEWS, they think Michigan may be it!  Daniel & Victoria...

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Staff Highlight: Tyler & Victoria


Meet Tyler & Victoria, pictured with their sweet children, Jax and Aly!  Tyler & Victoria have been a wonderful addition to the KOA team this season.  Tyler is a steady, solid presence on the maintenance staff quietly and happily doing all that is asked of him.  He is legendary amongst the staff for...

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Come See Michigan's Fantastic Fall Foliage!


Yellow and orange and red, oh my!  Michigan is a state renowned for its stunning natural beauty, and there’s no better time to witness its charm than during the fall season. As summer fades away, Michigan transforms into a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors, making it a prime destination for...

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The end of Summer Season isn't the end of Camping Season!


As summer bids us farewell and the days grow shorter, many campers pack away their gear and wait for warmer weather to return. However, dismissing camping during the fall season means missing out on a world of adventure and unique experiences. In this blog post, we’ll explore 5 reasons why summer...

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Construction Ahead


The Bradford Lake KOA is undergoing major renovations, with construction currently underway to bring the first half of the park's updates to life. Visitors staying at the park will notice ongoing work around the campground, specifically on the east wood line. These improvements will include the...

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Loons on the Lake


Loons are a beautiful sight to see in the wild, and if you're camping at Bradford Lake KOA, you might just get a chance to experience them up close. With their striking black and white feathers and haunting calls, loons are a unique and awe-inspiring species to observe.While beautiful to see, it's...

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The Lake Awaits!


There's nothing quite like a day out on the lake to unwind and escape from the hustle and bustle. No salt, no sharks, no worries! The gentle lapping of the waves against the boat, the warm sun on your skin, and the fresh air all contribute to a refreshing experience. Whether you're out fishing,...

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May is for Morels


Springtime in Northern Michigan is a perfect opportunity for mushroom hunters to go in search of the elusive morel mushrooms. Morels are highly sought after for their rich and earthy taste, and the thrill of finding them in the wild is an adventure in itself.Northern Michigan has a reputation for...

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Grand Reopening


We are so excited to be opening up this season as a newly converted KOA! Gaylord South/Bradford Lake KOA, formerly Headwaters Camping and Cabins, is currently undergoing several renovations that will bring our campground up to the highest standards. Not only will we be introducing a newly remodeled...

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