General Campground Information

Local Points of Interest

Follow link to map of local eateries, shops and nifty attractions:

Terms to Stay

1. Obey traffic signs
2. Do not leave your dog unattended outside (tied up or in Paw Pen)
3. Keep your dog on a leash
4. Accompany your children and minors
5. Display car pass
6. Do not smoke weed here
7. Do not drive through vacant sites
8. Do not in any way use a site you have not paid for
9. Pick up your dogs' poop
10. Do not stream using WIFI
11. Do not charge electric vehicles
12. No dogs in the bathrooms, buildings, cabin, or playground
13. Do not tie anything to trees or fences

Visitors must sign-in at office, or you must notify us who will be visiting after-hours prior to office closure.
Visitors may not use amenities or stay later than 10 PM without registering as a guest.

10 PM to 7 AM is quiet time

Restrooms closed daily from 11 AM to noon for cleaning

Check-out is 11 AM - You must leave the campground
Office open 9 AM to 5 PM. Clubhouse, laundry, pool close at 7 PM

Call (520) 668-5152 with any after-hours concerns

Pronouncing "Picacho"


Spanish for “peak” or jagged rock formation.

Meet Your Hosts

Ryan and Felicia Ramsey

It's a Great Day at the Picacho KOA!

We welcome you to our Sonoran desert inn.
Enjoy mild winter days, a heated pool, pink sunsets, and silver-filled hills to explore.